Monday, January 17, 2011

Schizophrenia- A Beautiful Mind

Disturbing- An example of this is when John is in the mental facility and he digs into his arm trying to find the chip that his delusions had inserted into his arm.

Maladaptive- An example of this is when John is talking random jibberish around the punch bowl in the beginning of the movie.  Nobody knew what he was talking about so his speech was pointless.

Atypical- An example of this  is when John runs away from his delusions during his speech in front of a large group of people.  This is atypical because it was an out of the ordinary action.

Unjustifiable- When John talks to the air around him this is unjustifiable.  He cannot tell them who he is talking to because these people he talks to are not real and were not real at any time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams & Latent Content

I have had a reoccuring dream since I was little and its me as a little kid walking out of the mall and walking up to the wrong car and a stranger pops his head out of the window with a ski mask on and the dream ends.  It only happens when thunderstorms are happening.
Another dream that I have is that I am walking to my friend's house and a person is walking their small dog.  I trip over something and when I look up I see that the small dog is running towards me and it bites my face.
Finally, I also have a dream where i am in a swamp and an alligator attacks me and I end up in the hospital surrounded by strangers that i do not know.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Albert

1. Yes the experiment did support their hypothesis.  After the loud sound each animal they showed Little Albert he began to cry.
2.  Albert's response was generalized because he was first scared of the rat and then they showed him a rabbit and dog and since he knew they were both soft like the mouse he became scared of those too.
3.  In the case of Peter, they used classical conditioning by making him have a good experience around rabbits so that after awhile he would stop being scared of rabbits.


I thought that they deserved to go through all of that.  They got to feel what its like to be bullied and now could see what they were doing to others.  I hope that the experience will change them because no one wants to feel like that and what they had been doing before "flipped" was wrong.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Twilight Zone

I was not surprised at all by the ending of the episode because they were not showing the faces of any of the characters so i knew something was up.  I do not think beauty changes, it sticks with you throughout your life but you can change your personality.  Lastly, beauty in Kimberly for 2010 is someone with an athletic type of body.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Role Playing Blog

During the role playing activity i found out that i am not very good at being a mean person.  i found it difficult to be mean to people that i do not know that well.  But when i am with people i do know i find it easier to be mean because i know they won't take it in a bad way.  I can't really recall a time in my life where I've been a mean person either because it does not happen very often with me.

In the experiment i thought it is weird how everyone adapts to their role eventually and begin to believe that it is all real.  I agree that they had to stop the experiment although it probably should've ended once the first prisoner went crazy so they could all stop suffering and enter reality once again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big 5 personality test

Our test has rated you on the same characteristics professional psychological tests would use to classify the "Big Five."
Your Most Dominant Characteristic is:

Your Least Dominant Characteristic is:
